У нашу цифрову епоху кожна друга робота є технічною роботою, і наші школи все ще навчають лише простим операціям, таким як клацання лівою кнопкою миші – клацанням правою кнопкою миші, яку студенти можуть швидко вивчити.
Ми вважаємо, що учням необхідно надати реальні життєві навички з основ комп’ютерного програмування і зробити їх готовими до майбутніх робочих місць. Адже комп’ютерне програмування – це новий рівень базової грамотності!
This 24 weeks course will start on September 2, 2019. Course duration 24 weeks. Click below for registration
Course Curriculum | Start time of this course | course registration |
Coding and programming for your for kids will be easy after this course. In the simplest form coding or programming, are directions for how to do something. If you want to tell someone how to get from point A to point B, you must give her a clear set of instructions. If your directions are not clear and precise, she’ll end up in the bushes.
At Teens Computer School kids who are interesting in coding for kids course can learn coding basics—and have fun while doing it!
Using free software created specifically for young people, this course teaches 8 – to 12-year-olds how to create their own games and animations, and interactive stories using coding. Following step-by-step explanations from instructors, kids will get a real introduction in one of the most prestigious and well-paid careers.

“Coding for kids” course consists of three modules and is designed for 24 weeks. Classes are held once a week. Two classes of 45 minutes. Total 1.5 hours per class.
Course Curriculum
Module 1.
Learning to Code using Tynker
With Tynker’s revolutionary approach, kids learn to code using visual code blocks that represent real programming concepts. They progress to text languages like JavaScript and Python as they continue to play through 2,000+ interest-driven activities.
Students will be introduced to the principles of programming using Tynker, an online learning platform created specifically for kids. Fundamental concepts used by professional programmers are taught through fun and easy-to-understand activities. As students create programming projects, they develop important design and problem-solving skills, while learning to think creatively and work collaboratively.
Module 2.
Programming in Scratch
See how easy learning computer science can be. Use Scratch to create games, animations, stories and more.
This course is an introduction to computer science using the programming language Scratch, developed by MIT. Starting with the basics of using Scratch, the course will stretch your mind and challenge you. You will learn how to create amazing games, animated images, and songs in just minutes with a simple “drag and drop” interface.
No previous programming knowledge needed. Join us as you start your computer science journey.
What you’ll learn
- How to create amazing games, animated images, and songs in the Scratch Programming language, one of the friendliest programming languages ever created
- The skill of solving interesting problems and making cool things with the help of a computer.
Module 3.
Intro to Web Design. Making web pages with HTML/CSS
Learn how to use HTML and CSS to make web pages. HTML is the markup language that you surround content with, to tell browsers about headings, lists, tables, etc. CSS is the stylesheet language that you style the page with, to tell browsers to change the color, font, layout, and more.
Learn how to write simple CSS rules, to select based on element, class, or ID, and change the colors of your page.
This 24 weeks course will start on December 1, 2018. Click here for registration
Duration and costs:
This “Coding for kids” course consists of three modules and is designed for 24 weeks. Classes are held once a week. Two classes of 45 minutes. Total 1.5 hours per class.
For kids from 8 to 12 years old. Students must have a laptop with Windows operation system and bring it to class.
Start time:
New courses start on December 1, 2018. New students take a placement test and are placed in a group at a suitable level.The number of students:
8 – 10 students per class. Two teachers per class.
Who this course is for:
This course is for children who love computers and are interested in modern technologies and modern electronic devices. This course does not require any level of computer knowledge and will be interesting to newcomers as to “experiences” kids.
In-class courses registration
If you live in Toronto or GTA, then you can sign up for our in-class courses.
Sign up now for in-class courseCheck our calendar for classes schedule