Web Design with WordPress. Introduction

WordPress is full of powerful easy to use functionality and with a few extra plugins students can create just about any website. Here are some of the topics we can cover during our WordPress Introduction course

  • Total Beginners Guide to WordPress
    What is WordPress? How does it work? How do I install it?
  • Polls, Articles, Feeds and more
    WordPress comes with some powerful features straight out of the box.
  • Installing WordPress
    How to download and install WordPress on your computer and host server.
  • Choosing a Free / Premium Theme
    There are literally thousands of themes available for you to choose from.
  • WordPress Front-End
    Learn the difference between themes, plugins, posts and pages areas.
  • Making Theme Changes
    Learn how to adopt a theme for your website using HTML & CSS for your business or service.
  • Useful Plugins
    If you need a directory, an online shop or even a booking system, WordPress has the plugins to do the job.
  • Making the most out of Widgets
    Widgets are the key to placing your functionality and interacting with users if used correctly the bring life to your site.
  • Managing your Site
    Setting up your site for Search Engines, adding new widgets, plugins, and themes.

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