Registration Form for New Students High Tide Art School Registration Form Please fill out the registration form for High Tide Art School classes below and our manager will contact you within the next 24 hours. Name of The Course MOMMY AND KIDS ARTS AND CRAFTS. 2+ TEENS ART STUDIO. SUMMER SEMESTER TEENS ART STUDIO. FALL SEMESTER BEGINNER ARTIST. 8+. SUMMER CLASS BEGINNER ARTIST. 8+.FALL CLASS JUNIOR ARTIST. 4+. SUMMER CLASS JUNIOR ARTIST. 4+. FALL SEMESTER FASHION DESIGN FOR KIDS & TEENS. SUMMER SEMESTER FASHION DESIGN FOR KIDS & TEENS. FALL SEMESTER Study option In-Class. Saint John. NB In-Class. Toronto. ON Choose your city Saint John, NB Toronto, ON Choose the summer or school year course Summer Course. June - August School Year Course. October - June Child’s Name* Parent #1 Name * Parent #2 Name Home Address Home Phone # Your Email Parent #1 Cell Phone * Parent #2 Cell Phone Child’s Grade * Child`s Date of Birth * Child`s Gender Male Female Emergency Notification: Name & Phone *indicate medical or other condition(s) requiring attention. (e.g. medical limitations on child’s activities, allergies, medications, etc. If None, state None) Use Captcha. Simple mathematics 0 + 3 = Previous Portfolio preparation workshop Registration Form Next Teens Computer School Registration Form for In-Class Course You may also like Registration Form for New Students Adults and Seniors Art Classes Registration Form Registration Form for New Students ART PROGRAM FOR KIDS REGISTRATION FORM Registration Form for New Students ART SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL. ENRICHED ART PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM High Tide Art School on Facebook