Registration Form for New Students Adults and Seniors Art Classes Registration Form Please fill out the Adults and Seniors Art Classes Registration Form Your First Name Your Last name Your Email Confirm your email Your phone number Where are you at with your creativity? Beginner OK at drawing, wanting to develop painting and creative skills Intermediate creative, wanting to develop more comprehensive creative and painting skills Wanting a custom option (please contact) Class choices Thursday Morning Adult / Seniors Class. $39 per one week ( two 60 min. lessons ) In-Class. $39.00 for one week. From 10 am to 12 pm. Thursday Afternoon Adults Class -$39.00 for one week Thursday Night Adults Art and Wine Class -$49.00 for one week This is my choice of payment options Please send me an invoice for 12 weeks. I`d like to pay $39 per one week and save $120 Please send me an invoice for 4 weeks. I`d like to pay $49 per one week. Use Captcha. Simple mathematics 2 + 6 = Next ART PROGRAM FOR KIDS REGISTRATION FORM You may also like Registration Form for New Students ART PROGRAM FOR KIDS REGISTRATION FORM Registration Form for New Students ART SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL. ENRICHED ART PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM Registration Form for New Students Portfolio preparation workshop Registration Form High Tide Art School on Facebook