Virtual Casual Art Classes – Art&Wine online & in-studio painting events
? No painting experience is necessary! Those with some experience will certainly find it fulfilling as well.
? Our themes and art instructors are well facilitated and flexible with custom tweaks and choices possible.
? We will supply you with a file to print and transfer onto the canvases in those with more complex designs
? See each page for projects materials required, order art materials in advance then book a date visit this page if kids and adults are participating together
We offer Casual Art Classes because we discovered over the years that not all art lovers want to use the ‘S’ word (study) or the ‘L’ word (learning), maybe not even the ‘C’ word (class). In these fun virtual sessions, you can book a theme, order the materials and make a time to join your art teacherIN THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES SINCE Social isolation BECAME THE NORM, ART&WINE EVENTS HAVE TAKEN ON A WHOLE NEW MEANING.
? For the social creative fun seeker, perhaps a casual art project with wine & food (or coffee and cake) would be right up your alley?? Finish an impressive painting (we can provide materials locally and artistic direction in 2, 3, or 4 hours sessions, choosing from a range of popular themes.) You just need to join us on your iPad or laptop for creative assistance step by step, using the Zoom conferencing app. Distant participants can order their art materials locally (most practical if you are planning more than one of these sessions)
? These casual sessions fit into the vibe of Sip and Paint, Art and Wine, Cocktails and Canvas, Coffee and Collage, Paint for Fun, Drinks, and Drawing which are generally popular all around the globe. (see our growing theme pages below). The defining edge of our sessions is the advanced designs and the handy discounted canvas upgrades (size/ format, frames etc).
Since going virtual, we can still give you a fantastic creative experience in your own home.
? For virtually hosted, private painting party bookings (numbers 3-10) , please ph (506) 777-1817 or email *Pick your own theme.